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Chaotic Displays: White Supremacists at the Capitol?!

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Chaotic Displays: White Supremacists at the Capitol!? Dr. Donna Oriowo

Boundless think pieces and commentary has been made about the racist acts, seemingly aided by equally racist cops, in the trespass and raiding of the capitol earlier this week. I have found myself seeking out the thoughts of Black folk and how they are feeling in the confirmation of what we know to be true: the true threat will always be seen in the planes of our faces, and written in the color of our skin. 

Not to make false equivalencies that I have seen strewn about rather careless and ceaselessly, but Black people could not even march in protest against the constant killing and harassment of Black folk doing the most mundane of things, including sleeping, without being met with not just a show but an excessive use of police force that has been seen across the world as the epitome of “doing too much.” White folk, literally ran up on a building to try to mitigate the change of power from a white man to another white man? I get confused about the details that lead to this. Maybe to protect the white supremacy that they hold near and dear to their hearts..but um, was white supremacy ever under threat? Are we actually making the change the proud boys felt the need to unabashedly protect? OH! I suppose it could be about their fear and “loss of freedom” of moving racism from its more overt forms back to the gentle coaxing that had white folk proclaiming that we were a “post racist society.” The system, in all its “errors” has literally been designed, custom made and built, for the white man. It has been supported by at least 54% of white women, so what do they have to fear in the “loss” of their sitting spokesperson? Nothing. They are getting the same shit in new packaging. A whole negro president, Barak Obama, could not change the machine for what it is, because the white supremacy is so well ingrained that to change it would cause the truest ragnorak, of which the world has not seen. It would require the destruction of everything (and probably everyone) and would prompt the need to start anew with Black queer fat, differently abled femmes at the helm (cuz we all know when the most oppressed among us is front and center, everyone else benefits any damn way). 

So, back to the show of white supremacy at the capitol, previously known as a temper tantrum. Their “protesting,” if that is what we are calling it, is not a reflection on Black people nor a call and response to what we do to save our asses. It has always been and will always be a reflection on them. On how they see themselves as deserving and inherently good people because of the color of their skin. On how we will likely remain seen as the bottom, dregs of society because of our skin. This color based racism is still here and sporting nonsense. They are showing that this country is still theirs, though this was never really brought into question--this show is their emotions placed front and center about their feelings of loss of control and dominance as other folk get some rights.  And as we know, feelings are not facts. This whole system of oppression was built on the wants of the greedy to have more money and to get the cooperation of po’ white folk. There is no need to compare their thing with what Black people are and are not allowed to do. We know the status quo. We have been living it for far too long to pretend otherwise. They are not as dense as they let on to constantly have Black folk feeling like we need to ceaselessly point out the disparities in how the hand of punishment is doled out. It is being doled out as they have designed the system--with the heaviest of hands reserved for the most apparently Black among us. The system is not broken. It is in perfect working order. 

We don't need to dole out our recriminations for the foolishness that came to pass, and we will be woefully disappointed to expect them. Of course, I would be surprised, and pleasantly so, if folk were to have their whole asses handed to them, but I, for one, will not hold my breath. The system was built for them and the “boyish” ways of grown white men and women to behave as petulant children, to be aided by equally racist white capitol police, who are able to keep their jobs because they uphold white supremacy so well. Let them have their chaotic displays, we have better things to do.